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Faculty-Staff Mentor

Faculty-Staff Mentors are faculty or staff members at West Virginia University who provide mentorship and academic support to fraternity and sorority chapters. They assist chapters in hosting faculty receptions, meet with members who need academic guidance, and provide insight on University-related issues.

Per the Center for Fraternal Values and Leadership Policies & Procedures Manual:

Article I:  Faculty/Staff Mentor and Scholarship Chairperson

 A.      Each chapter is encouraged to identify a Faculty/Staff Mentor to work with the chapter on academic matters. The Mentor must be a member of the West Virginia University’s faculty or staff. The specific expectations of the Faculty/Staff Mentor are to be determined by the individual fraternity/sorority in consultation with the faculty/staff member.

 B.      The Faculty/Staff Mentor for fraternities and sororities serves as a contact between the group and the University on academic matters. The Mentor is not empowered to exercise any supervisory or other authority on behalf of the University. The Faculty/Staff Mentor serves as a non-remunerated consultant and acts only in his/her personal capacity and not as a representative of the University.

 C.      The choice of Faculty/Staff Mentor and the acceptance to serve in such capacity represents a voluntary association between the chapter and Mentor.

 D.      To assist the group and to serve as the group’s liaison with the University, the Mentor may:

  • Attend meetings of the organization and become familiar with its academic performance and activities.
  • Provide assistance to the organization in meeting the academic performance expectations, including but not limited to serving as a resource.
  • Provide assistance in the planning and implementation of academic programming.

Each chapter must identify and elect a Scholarship Chairperson from within its chapter membership.  This Scholarship Chairperson will be expected to work in collaboration with the Center, the Faculty/Staff Mentor, as well as the leadership of his or her chapter in developing academic programming at the chapter level designed to improve academic achievement within the chapter.

The Faculty/Staff Mentor does not need to be a member of the organization in order to serve.

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